
Intentional Microdosing
Group Journey

April 27 - June 1

Are you tired of relying on antidepressant medication and searching for endless holistic options for your mental health? How about looking to access your creativity and inspiration to optimize performance within your daily life?

Five years ago, when I first started microdosing, the incredible data and research available today nearly didn’t exist. I had no idea what protocol to follow, how often or how much to microdose with. However, I knew that microdosing could be an alternative holistic option to antidepressant medication, which caught my attention since I had been on Lexapro and Adderall for over seven years. I was suffering from unresolved childhood trauma and felt unfulfilled in my career in the medical industry.

I realized that medication was just a bandaid to the areas I needed to take a deeper look at.

The old conditioned beliefs and patterns I was replaying over and over again needed to be addressed. I was afraid of change, and my survival mechanisms that had kept me safe for years tried to keep me in the same experience. However, I knew and trusted my intuition, and it supported me when I knew that microdosing was my path.

Through microdosing, I was able to completely stop taking my medication in just three months and deepened into the plant medicine world, sitting in ceremony for continued healing and personal growth. Although my emotions increased as I was tapering off of my medication, I found modalities that positively impacted my journey and mastered how to work with this special medicine.

I have guided over a hundred clients through intentional microdosing journeys

In addition to my own experience, I have guided over a hundred clients through intentional microdosing journeys and created a framework that supports the entire journey. This framework combines a variety of different protocols unique to your specific needs as well as nervous system regulation practices, daily self-rituals, and my guided mentorship.

The Journey

The 6-week intentional microdosing journey is subtle, yet expansive. Microdosing can bring creative flow, inspiration, and focus, while also getting you in touch with your feelings, alleviating mental health symptoms, feeling more socially outgoing, joyful, and full of energy and play.

Week 1


Week one sets the foundation for your journey as I prepare you with everything you need to know to begin your microdosing protocol.

  • What is microdosing + how microdosing works
  • Clarity on how to microdose and ritual practices
  • Clarifying intentions and goals
  • Understanding your unique microdosing protocol (i.e. dosage, schedule, length)
  • The importance of set and setting
  • The positive impact microdosing has on your mind-body connection

Week 2


Week two teaches you tools and practices to expand your capacity and regulate your nervous system. Psychedelics can bring up a variety of emotions that may activate a response in your body. Having tools to support this will be valuable to your experience.

  • Mind-Body-Breath techniques
  • Grounding modalities you can embody daily
  • Go-to practices to alleviate stress and anxiety
  • How to implement and integrate your experience in the moment 
  • Understanding what supplements + minerals to consume while microdosing

Week 3


Week three is about bringing awareness to the areas in your life that you desire to make healthier changes around. I teach you how to work with the medicine to create healthier habits that will positively impact your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

  • Life inventory exercise 
  • Evaluating your personal values
  • Prioritize the changes you desire to make
  • Clearing distractions through awareness practices 

Week 4


Week four offers you the opportunity to deepen your microdosing protocol, experience cognitive enhancement and hone in on specific intentions for this week.

  • How to access flow states, creativity, inspiration
  • Natural herbs, nootropics, adaptogens
  • Practices and daily tools to access more presence, while feeling more grounded in your body

Week 5


Week five takes you into deeper relationships with yourself. At this time in your microdosing journey, you have experienced incredible changes in your life. These are valuable opportunities to work with the medicine to embody these new ways of being.

  • How microdosing been supporting you over the past five weeks
  • Identifying what’s shifting and opening up for you, while including implementation tools to maintain new healthier habits
  • How to work with new neural – pathways and windows of opportunity offered

Week 6


Week six is our closing ceremony. Together we will celebrate your growth, wins, and positive shifts all while offering you integration tools to continue implementing your experience as we bring this container to a close.

  • Intentionally close our container
  • Offer you continued integration tools and practices for you to continue being supported
  • Share future protocols and ways to continue microdosing 
  • Discuss sitting in a higher dose ceremony


Pay in Full

2x Monthly Payments

Package & Content Includes:

  • 1 guided microdosing intentional journey 
  • Six 75 min live video zoom calls + access to the recordings for 60-days
  • Weekly printable PDFs & Worksheets
  • Journal Prompts
  • Daily self ritual practices & nervous system regulation tools
  • Community of like-minded humans
  • Medicine + future access
  • Group chat – Signal thread for support outside of our weekly sessions
  • Microdosing protocols for future exploration


All sessions will be recorded and you will have access to them for 60-days

Each weekly session will be 75mins. To receive the most out of this program, I recommend carving out one – two hours per week to focus on the take-home practices and weekly follow up PDFs.

APRIL 27 – JUNE 1 at 3:30pst – 4:45pst

Once you join the program, you will receive a link asking you to join a free Private Mighty Networks Group. You can access this through your computer or through a dedicated Mighty Networks app. Mighty Networks will be our “main feed” for you to connect with others in the group, access all content and live recordings.

In addition to Mighty Networks, we will use Zoom for our weekly group live sessions. You will also be added to a private communication channel called Signal.

No. All levels of experience are welcome to join!


“I have immense gratitude and love for Tiffany! Before working with her I struggled with connecting to my intuition and trusting myself and overall feeling a bit stuck. I had wanted to try microdosing for a while but didn’t know how or where to start. Once I started seeing her posts I knew I was being called to work with her.

First and foremost, she made me feel so safe and seen and able to really just let go and surrender to it all. She gave me endless tools and held me accountable and really took the experience to the next level. I know without a doubt doing this alone wouldn’t have created as many shifts.

The medicine is powerful, and I am taking nothing away from that, but having Tiffany as a coach and being asked inspired questions and checking in weekly on what’s coming up and what shifts I was experiencing was effective and transformative. I have gained clarity, a deeper love and connection to myself, more awareness, less stress & less anxiety, and more compassion for myself & others. I can only imagine what things will look like 6 months from now and those thoughts alone have me excited! THANK YOU!”

Erica D. Realtor

“Microdosing helped me continue to expand my awareness of the world, the people around me and more importantly myself. I felt like the experience helped me in my efforts to excavate the layers and walls I’ve built up around myself over the years and helped me get closer to my true self. Reconnecting with who I am underneath it all.

Having Tiffany as a resource during this experience was extremely helpful and made it less intimidating and far more accessible than it would have been trying to do it alone. Her knowledge, personal experience and guidance around microdosing and plant medicine helped me establish a practice that made sense for me and helped me advance towards my goals.

Tiffany is a warm, compassionate and thoughtful coach. I felt very comfortable working with her and looked forward to our weekly sessions where I could share my experience with her and receive her insights, suggestions and guidance. The way she pursues her passion and brings that gift to others is truly inspiring to me.”

Lars F. VP