Personalized Microdosing Mentorship

4-Week & 12-Week Options

Come experience the profound and life-changing lasting benefits of microdosing!

Microdosing is one of the most effective modalities to incorporate into your weekly routine. This is a medicine that reaches all walks of life, from the mother desiring to be more present with her children, to the CEO in silicon valley utilizing microdosing for new creative business ideas, and everything in between. Microdosing is a medicine that can support your mental wellbeing, tapering off your antidepressant medications, enhancing your business, leadership, and sports performance, along with creating healthier habits and more fulfilling relationships. When practiced with intentionality, structure, and purpose, microdosing has the potential to positively impact and influence your life.

What is microdosing?

Microdosing (psilocybin mushrooms) is an earth based holistic medicine that can be defined as intaking 1/10th to 1/20th of a normal dose of a psychedelic. Being that the dose is very subtle, there are no hallucinations when microdosing and you should still feel sociable and able to complete all your normal day to day tasks. In fact, microdosing should enhance your everyday life by providing you with a sense of presence, openness, and the desire and motivation to create healthier choices and habits. Microdosing is a skill and a practice that can continue to be refined for optimal life-changing benefits.

The main goal with microdosing is that it’s not intended to be a one-time/one-day experience, but rather a consistent practice with a specific protocol. Ideally, you’ll be microdosing 2-3x a week, for 30 days minimum, and up 90 days, with a clear intention and purpose behind it, maintaining a specific dosage amount and implementing wellness modalities and rituals that will support the deepening of your practice. Think, immediate and lasting results over a longer period of time.

Microdosing psilocybin has a wide range of benefits that all walks of life can experience!

Rewiring your brain and creating new neural-pathways.

Psilocybin (the active compound in magic mushrooms) has been shown to promote neurological plasticity, which is your brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. In other words, your brain’s natural response becomes less resistant to making specific changes that may currently feel out of reach or unavailable. As a result, you’ll have access to:

  • Creating new thought patterns, change years of habitual belief systems, form new healthier habits and accelerate your creativity
  • Being more present with yourself and others
  • Getting out of the same “stuck” and overanalyzing thought patterns that seem to feel like you’re repeating the same cycle

Decreasing your brain's fear and anxiety responses, which is called the amygdala.

Psilocybin is known for decreasing blood flow to this specific region of your brain, which allows for the slowing down and turning inward approach. Additionally, psilocybin is working directly on your serotonin 5HT2A receptors, which is another region of your brain that tends to be responsible for your mood. When this occurs, here’s what you’ll find yourself experiencing:

  • More presence and peace
  • Slowing down and getting in touch with how you would powerfully like to choose to respond, rather than reacting in a way that may feel like ‘loss of control’
  • Alleviating anxiety, depression, high stress levels, while experiencing a lift in your overall mood levels

Psilocybin is known for amplifying your emotions by bringing unprocessed experiences to the surface and providing a more "open, compassionate, and empathetic" response.

This is a good thing when you can be resourced to effectively process your emotions. Here’s why and what’s available for you:

  • Within a mentoring setting – you can confront and process challenging emotions and/or arrive in a place of acceptance from unpacking patterns you didn’t even recognize were affecting you
  • Releasing years of emotional blockages that may be self-sabotaging your current experiences
  • Unlock new levels of creativity once you can free up space within your body

Now that you have a better understanding of what to expect while microdosing, let’s get into the options of ways you can receive this high-value, transformational experience.

Microdosing is one of the most effective modalities to incorporate into your weekly routine. This is a medicine that reaches all walks of life, from the mother desiring to be more present with her children, to the CEO in silicon valley utilizing microdosing for new creative business ideas, and everything in between. Microdosing is a medicine that can support your mental wellbeing, tapering off your antidepressant medications, enhancing your business, leadership, and sports performance, along with creating healthier habits and more fulfilling relationships. When practiced with intentionality, structure, and purpose, microdosing has the potential to positively impact and influence your life.

You have 2 options:

4-Week Journey

Microdosing for 4-weeks offers you the opportunity to begin receiving guidance on how to microdose, tune into how your mind-body is responding to the medicine, while having hands on support in understanding how to effectively and intentionally create your own microdosing practice. This is an offer that has been created to receive quick and efficient support, and lasting results, without a long term commitment.

When you first begin microdosing, the goal is to microdose for a minimum of 30-days to give yourself enough time and experience to create a consistent and meaningful practice. Within our 4-weeks of working together, I’ve structured this to allow us enough time together to ensure you are setting the foundational pieces to receive a positive outcome. This is a one-on-one package where you will receive personalized guidance and structure.

What's Included:

  • Four 60-min live zoom calls
  • A customized microdosing protocol designed for your goals and intentions
  • Guidance, structure and accountability
  • Integration guidance and resources 
  • Access to high quality medicine + lifetime access
  • Psilocybin Resource Guide (25+ pages full of value)
  • Communication outside of weekly sessions for on-going integration support 

The Investment:

$2800 pay in full​

Topics and Call Structure

  • Microdosing foundations + Intention / Goal setting
  • Customizing your Microdosing protocol 
  • Safety, Harm Reduction and Legalities 
  • Mastering your morning while microdosing
  • Discussing the neuroscience of microdosing and how to work with the medicine to develop healthier habits and ways of being
  • Clarity on how to work with the medicine for optimized outcomes
  • Integration support
  • Daily rituals and practices to deepen your practice
  • Integration support
  • Protocols, Stacking, Dosage mastery
  • Integration support
  • Closing and providing integration resources
  • Access to my network

To take the next steps in working together, please book an introductory call.

12-Week Journey

Microdosing for 12-weeks is for you if you’re looking to go deeper within, receive long-term support and to learn more about psilocybin so that you can develop an on-going practice with this medicine. This is a committed transformational journey that will optimize and maximize your entire microdosing experience.

Throughout our twelve weeks, each call session is a blend of education and integration. This program is structured to inform you with every resource you need to feel educated about the variety of microdosing best practices, along with personalized integration modalities and resources that will support you in achieving your goals during your entire experience. This is a one-on-one program where you will receive personalized guidance and structure.

What's Included:

  • Nine 60-min live Zoom calls
  • A customized microdosing protocol designed for your goals and intentions
  • Integration resources + a customized integration plan
  • Microdosing best practices and education for optimal outcomes
  • Mastering the skill and practice of microdosing
  • Guidance, structure and accountability
  • Access to high quality medicine + lifetime access
  • Additional microdosing protocols and stacking resources for future microdosing regimens
  • Psilocybin Resource Guide (25+ pages full of value)
  • Communication outside of weekly sessions for on-going integration support

The Investment:

3-monthly payments of $2800

Topics and Call Structure

Session 1: Microdosing Foundations + Intention

  • Goal setting
    Introduction to
  • Psilocybin
    the history, the science, today’s research
  • Safety, Harm Reduction and Legalities
  • Ethical sourcing, policy, contraindications
  • Customizing your microdosing protocol

Session 2: Microdosing & Precise Dosing

  • Microdosing protocols
  • Mushroom Strains – which to use in each setting
  • Dosage differences – how to work with each level
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 3: Connecting deeper with the medicine

  • How Psilocybin works in the mind, body, and spirit
  • Trauma-informed & Nervous system regulation modalities
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 1: Stacking protocols for optimized outcomes

  • Stacking your medicine
  • Daily rituals and practices to deepen your practice 
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 2: Honing in on your goals & intentions

  • Revisiting your goals / intentions and deeping into how the medicine can support you in achieving them – exercises will be provided to you
  • Sharpening your morning / evening rituals
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 3: Life inventory foundational practice

  • You will be guided through a practice to explore each valuable area in your life, and receive support on where and how you would like to improve + resources will be available to you for additional support
  • The Truth, Forgiveness, Self love
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 1: A deep dive into your habitual habits / patterns

  • Discussing the neuroscience of microdosing and how to work with the medicine to develop healthier habits and ways of being 
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 2: Your Inner Compass 

  • Tune in and get clear on what you truly desire to create for your future, hone in on your north star for vision clarity, and cultivate evidence-proven practices to accelerate motivation and forward momentum
  • Integration support (30mins)

Session 3: Closing Ceremony

  • This last session will be an open space for you to bring any last desires of support and questions into our call
  • Customized integration resources

To take the next steps in working together, please book an introductory call.

Feel into each option and listen to what your body says…if 2O24 is your year to jump into expansion, then taking action is the only thing that will take you there.

I have personally mentored a wide range of hundreds of clients, teaching them how to intentionally and effectively microdose.

Additionally, in working together, you will not only be guided through a customized microdosing regimen, but you will also learn how to regulate your nervous system to ultimately master your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

This will allow you to center into a space of groundedness, inner connection, presence, and self-resilience.



I know a thing or two about teaching people how to microdose:

Tiffany has guided and mentored 250+ people through microdosing regimens, teaching them how to effectively and intentionally optimize their healing and personal growth experience

95% of my clients are referred from previous clients I have served

7+ years of experience in teaching people how to microdose

Research and Studies

I have spent countless hours studying the most up-to date research that continues to be shared on the powerful impact this medicine continues to have on people.

Antidepressants Combined with Single Psilocybin Dose Yields Successful Results

Study shows how discontinuing SSRI antidepressants while implementing psilocybin can support you.

Adults who Microdose are experiencing less anxiety compared to those who do not microdose

Learn about some of the benefits of psilocybin, along with the latest research on why people are benefiting from this powerful medicine.

Mother’s are leaning on Microdosing

Mothers are desiring to be more present with their children and to alleviate postpartum depression.

Psilocybin helps heal alcoholism

Studies show pairing psilocybin under the guidance of a professional helps people in reducing alcohol dependency for up to at least eight months after their first treatment.


Yes, absolutely. Microdosing is non-hallucinogenic and in working together, we will anchor you into your appropriate dosage to ensure your days are productive, grounded and attentive to the areas you desire to focus on. With the appropriate dosage, you will 100% be able to experience all of the above, and you should feel better doing them!

Microdosing is a resource for you to have in your toolbox whenever you want to work with it. It’s an on-going practice that you now have in your life. Some people microdosing fore 90-days and feel like they achieved what they desired; they will take breaks and then begin a different protocol for different purposes. Others (such as myself and many people I know) utilize microdosing on and off. The choice is up to you! However, the benefits are long-lasting, so long as you show up fully committed and integrate your outcomes.

First of all, congratulations on taking the time to educate and inform yourself before considering this route, along with reaching out to an experienced professional to support you. This program is ideal for anyone who is new or experienced with psychedelics. You will learn everything you need to know about microdosing, along with receiving full nourishment, support, and safe guidance.

I’m not giving you medical advice and sharing this with your therapist is entirely up to you. Many people I have worked with shared this with their therapist, and many clients have been referred to me by their therapist! If you are looking to taper off your medications while working together, yes, I advise you to share this with your prescribing physician.

Yes absolutely. If you already have some experience navigating any psychedelic via microdosing, this program offers you the opportunity to go deeper and perhaps receive breakthroughs and insight you may have not previously recognized. Working under the guidance of an experienced mentor will offer you clarity and accountability on exploring aspects of yourself in new profound ways. Every medicine experience is different. You will learn new integration tools and new ways to work with microdosing.

Microdosing is different for everyone. I’ve worked with clients where they started seeing positive changes within two days, and for others, it took two weeks. This is why working with a professional is so valuable, as there are unique ways to work with the medicine to ensure you are benefiting from your experience, without giving up out of frustration.


Working with Tiffany is, quite simply, priceless!

Throughout our time together, she curated a powerful structure that I felt immediately safe to lean into. Everything was very well throughout, clear and intentional from start to finish. I am blown away by how much I learned about microdosing and how incredible this medicine is for me in my life. Without her guidance, I truly don't think I would have understood how to receive the benefits that you hear about other people having or reading online. Tiffany has the art of seeing your blindspots and turning them into personal breakthroughs. I would 100% recommend anyone who wants to microdose, to work with Tiffany.


What I learned continues to inspire me...

I just finished up a twelve-month microdosing program led by Tiffany Hurd, and this was one of the most powerful healing experiences I have ever been a part of. I was referred to work with Tiffany, and I came to her as I was struggling with feeling emotionally blocked and stuck in my life. I am naturally a very driven and inspired person, but being in an unfulfilled career for so long began to weigh on me. Since joining this program, my life, energy levels, and inspiration have never been the same. Tiffany supported me in navigating deeply unworthy parts I didn't realize were there and helped me establish ways to regulate my emotions and set new clear boundaries and goals for myself - all while learning how to microdose and everything that goes into establishing a beautiful practice!


Where do I even begin - this has been one of the most expansive journeys,

and I would never have imagined working with psychedelics within the guidance of a mentor would open as many doors as it has in my life. I struggled with finding a holistic path to getting off antidepressants, and my therapist referred me to Tiffany, suggesting that micro-dosing may be a solution. I'm beyond grateful for Tiffany and the ways she supported me within this process, 12-weeks later I'm completely off my medication, side-effect free, and I am feeling the deepest sense of peace and power. The way Tiffany helped me get in touch with my emotions while connecting with a powerful medicine along the way is something that has forever impacted my life.